

Attention all Charter Schools,

For this year’s submission of your Annual Report, please follow these steps:

1.	Complete all the required information under the “Charter Annual Report”
area of the Comp Plan web application.
2.	Within the Comp Plan web application, under the Help drop down, click
“Submit a Help Ticket”.
a.	 In the message text-box, type the following sentence “The Charter Annual
Report is ready for submission.” 
b.	Click “Submit Your Ticket”.

This will serve as the record for meeting the submission deadline of
September 1, 2013. When the submit functionality is released, the
Comprehensive Planning Support team will mark the Annual Report as
submitted, for all Charters who followed the steps above.

If you have any questions regarding these steps, please contact the Support
team via email to [log in to unmask] or phone at 717.732.8403.

Thank you,
Comprehensive Planning Support Team